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Academic Program

The Programs in Expressive Arts are designed to further training and research in the therapeutic, coaching, consultative, educational and conflict transformational use of the Arts. The programs encourage students to take seriously the tradition and disciplines of the Arts as they have evolved over the course of human history. In all societies up to the present, the Arts have played an essential role in enabling human beings to make sense of their world, to live with suffering when necessary and to be able to celebrate the joy of life.


The field of Intermodal Expressive Arts Therapy, Consulting, Education, Coaching and Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding has grown considerably in the last twenty years and has developed an international reputation with professional representation in many countries. The International Network of Expressive Arts Training Centers interconnects institutes in North America, South America, Europe and the Middle East.

The typical EGS student:

  • loves to be in a learning community, living together in a car free mountain village in the middle of the Swiss Alps

  • loves to do intensive Summer Sessions Studies for three to six weeks

  • loves to study in a small group frame between 8-20 students

  • appreciates having her/his own individual academic advisor

  • is learning by doing

  • enjoys the multicultural environment of students and faculties

  • wants to be in control of her/his own studies

  • enjoys the multiple study options

  • wants to be taken seriously as an adult learner

  • wants to be validated in her/his background and develops her/his own style

  • doesn't likes to be told what to do, and develops the teacher within himself

  • wants to be challenged and supported on a personal, artistic, and professional level

  • wants to develop his critical thinking and innovative ideas

  • wants to be taken seriously in her/his visions

  • wants to organize her/his work independently

The typical EGS faculty members:

  • are role models and live what they are teaching

  • are proud to be part of the Expressive Arts community

  • are pioneers in Intermodal Expressive Arts, or have been taught by the pioneers

  • cultivate different perspectives and challenge students to build their own concepts

  • are teaching new concepts that exceed what they have written in books and articles

  • invite dialogue in their class rooms and studios

  • want students to think constructively and innovatively

  • are cultivating the Arts, and keep researching the Arts-based Methodology

  • love and trust the students and further their resources by challenging them, with the belief that students do well and can do better

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